Three contacts of a 60-year-old man who tested positive to Covid-19 in Port Stephens earlier in the week, have now also been diagnosed with the virus.
One is a child under 10 years of age, who attended Tomaree public school.
Another is a child under 2 years of age who attended the Good Start early learning centre at Anna Bay.
Another case is a man in his 30’s.
Both Schools have been closed for the day for deep cleaning and contact tracing, as well as Tomaree High School.
All close contacts of the children will be notified and required to isolate for 14 days.
“We know the cases have attended a few sites in the Port Stephens area,” said Public Health Physician Dr David Durheim.
Anyone who attended Salamander Bay Village Woolworths on;
– July 17 between 2.30pm to closing time
– July 18 between 4pm to closing time – July 19 between 12.45pm to closing time – July 20 between 3pm to closing time.
And the Fingal Bay Café and Takeaway on July 17 between 11.30am – 12 midday, are urged to get tested if presenting cold or flu like symptoms.
Public Health Physician, Dr David Durheim said both stores have been deep cleaned over night.
“So there’s no ongoing risk to the community, but anyone who was in those destinations on those days and times, there is a small chance they would of encountered Covid-19 so they should really make use of the testing facilities available.”
A new three-lane drive through testing clinic will be opening up at the Tomaree Sports Complex this afternoon.
It will then operate 8am-4pm seven days, hours will be extended as required to meet demand.
To make an appointment for the HNE Health Tomaree Drive Through Clinic or Tomaree Community Hospital Clinic, please call 4964 7497 between 8am-4pm.
“We are experiencing a very high volume of calls so please be patient when calling to book an appointment. If the clinic you are hoping to visit is busy, you can find other local options by visiting the NSW Health website or your GP,” Dr Durrheim said.
The Laverty Pathology COVID-19 Clinic also continues to be available at Tomaree Community Hospital from 8.30am to 3.30pm, Monday to Friday.
Please visit your GP for a pathology referral prior to attending this clinic.
“This additional clinic increases our testing capability significantly. We are currently seeing between 300-400 people at our hospital clinic, with the on-site Laverty Clinic experiencing similar numbers. We anticipate this same amount again will attend the Drive Through each day,” said Dr Durrheim.