The NSW government has announced the Hunter has been selected for a trial of a rental subsidy program to help young people at risk of homelessness.
$1.2 million has been provided for the program which is aimed at 16 to 25-year olds who are eligible for social housing, leaving out-of-home care, leaving Juvenile Justice facilities, or who are at risk of homelessness because of domestic violence or familiy breakdown.
Family and Community Services Minister, Pru Goward made the announcement this morning at the Salvation Army’s Oasis Olive Branch Cafe in Hamilton.
“To receive the subsidy, the young person must be committed to engaging in education, training and/or employment,” she said.
A young person recieving the subsidy will contribute 25 per cent of their income towards their rent and Housing NSW will pay the balance directly to the landlord or real estate agent.
It’s expected up to 50 young people will benefit from the scheme in the first year of the two year program.