First Broadcast 1978
2NURFM is a community radio station that began broadcasting in March 1978 and has become Newcastle’s leading ‘Good Times & Great Music’ radio station with a format structured around familiar hit songs by legendary stars like The Eagles, Faith Hill, Air Supply, Van Morrison, Neil Diamond, The Beatles, Dionne Warwick, and some more recent legends like Michael Bublé and Dianna Krall.

Local News Service
The outstanding blend of music played on 2NURFM is supported by news and information provided by Australia’s leading radio news service, Macquarie National News and our own Local News service edited by News Director Ian Crouch.

Community Involvement
At 2NURFM we pride ourselves on our community involvement, and provide hourly updates on community events, activities and services. Submit an item for 2NURFM’s Community Events Calendar.

Locally Owned
2NURFM is the only locally owned radio station in Newcastle, and is funded by listener donations and sponsorship from businesses across Newcastle and the greater Hunter area.

There are as many as 70 volunteers who donate their time to keep the radio station running through activities such as on-air presenting, technical support, and general administration. We are fortunate to have the expertise and knowledge of a professional team consisting of General Manager, Program Director and announcers, Production Manager, News Director, and a sales team of three including a Sales Manager plus a sales administrator.

Our broadcasting license allows us a maximum of five minutes of sponsorship announcements per hour. This results in excellent listener recall because sponsors’ messages are not lost in a sea of announcements. See more about sponsorship.