The future arrangements for five community childcare centres located on council-owned property will be debated next week

The proposed option of leasing the land to existing centres would allow council to scale recovery of it’s cost over time, as well a providing a direct relationship between the rent and the number of places at each centre.

Newcastle Lord Mayor, Jeff McCloy, says the plan will secure the future of the centres.

“The recommendation is that we lease to the [community] groups so all the five community childcare centres on council owned land and council owned buildings. We need try and get some commerciality


into this,” Cr McCloy said.

Cr McCloy said that in the real world Childcare businesses had to buy their own land and pay for the building.

“I think this is a very fair proposal to these community groups they don’t have to buy the land they don’t have to build the building  they just have to pay some rent and maintain the building.”

Cr McCloy hopes the plan will allow the Childcare centres to secure places.