The Nationals have announced their candidate for the seat of Hunter in the lead up to the Federal election.

Sue Gilroy will be pitted against incumbent Dan Repacholi and Greens candidate Louise Stokes.

She formally ran for the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers party in the 2023 state election, but quit the race following controversy involving leader Robert Borsak.

She was formally president of the Singleton Business Chamber for six years.

Ms Gilroy says the Nationals will give her the platform to stand up for regional Australia.

“[The Nationals] are supporting regional Australia which is what I’m on my soapbox about every day.”

She shared that she looks forward to discussions with constituents across the electorate, beyond her home of Singleton.

“That’s a really important part of the campaign, that door knocking, understanding what the issues are and what you need to do as a candidate to address and stand up for those issues,” she said.

“I understand Singleton and the Hunter Valley pretty well; coming down to [Lake Macquarie] I need to learn but that’s okay because that’s why I’m here as a candidate, to get out there and talk to our constituents.” 

Sue Gilroy alongside Nationals Leader David Littleproud.