The results of a Newcastle City Council survey on the city’s live music scene reveals most people are supportive of keeping venues alive.

It comes as the revitalisation of Newcastle gains momentum with residential planning threatening Newcastle’s music culture.

Over 1100 people completed the Council’s Community Consultation Strategy, with 45% of Novocastrians saying if a venue is there first, residents shouldn’t complain.

11% responded with the suggestion pubs and clubs should be soundproof.

Councillor Carol Duncan has told the 2NURFM we need to reduce the stigma associated with live music.

“I think it’s really important we think about the language we use when we talk about live music, it doesn’t mean one thing like noisy rock music,” she said.

Continuing, she explains peoples fears come from a negative past history instead of focusing on a positive future for Newcastle’s music industry.

“I think sometimes people get concerned about where we were in Newcastle some decades ago with huge rock bands and drunk crowds and the social problems that can come along with that,” she said.

Music Industry Stakeholders met at Fort Scratchley for the council-led Newcastle Live Music Strategy industry workshop recently to share their views on the situation at hand, calling on the council to relax regulations to allow for more pop-up and all-ages live music events.

“We want to support all types of arts, cultural events and live music in the city,” Mrs Duncan said.

Image: Newcastle live