Seismic testing off the coast of Newcastle has recently been approved, but not everyone is happy about the decision, as the NSW Greens have condemned the approval.

The testing will be conducted to see if gas or oil is within the vicinity 30 kilometres off the shores of Newcastle.

The idea to shoot pulses into the ocean has been criticised by the Greens as it could have huge impacts on the wildlife in the area as well as the environment surrounding it.

The environmental effects of this testing could be negative for ocean habitat including the migrating whales and local fisheries.

The company set to conduct these tests, Asset Energy, have assured the practices are safe.

NSW Greens marine and fisheries spokesperson Justin Field says the Greens are doing all they can to reverse this decision.

“We’ve been calling on the NSW Government to put an end to this nonsense. They’ve cancelled oil and gas licenses onshore in the northern rivers and other parts of the state.
“There’s no reason they couldn’t cancel this license, give the community some certainty, put this project to rest and give the community the confidence that their marine life and their local economy will be supported into the future”.

He also goes on to say the idea of allowing this to go ahead is ridiculous.

“Previous seismic testing has had a significant impact on local fisheries, and there’s new research that shows that seismic testing can impact on the direction and communication capacities of whales.

“This has huge environmental consequences, but more than that, the Newcastle community is never going to accept an oil or gas field off the coast of their beautiful city”.

Seismic Testing Map.

Credit- Newcastle Herald.