Watt Street traffic will be diverted between Scott Street and Church Street from this Thursday due to proposed construction works.

Working hours will be between Monday to Friday 7am – 5pm and 8am – 1pm on Saturdays.

The works are associated with the Newcastle 500 and Newcastle City Council renewal works occurring across multiple locations in the east end of Newcastle.

Watt Street will remain open for local traffic only, maintained via King Street.

The diversion will enable works including the erection of temporary security fencing, utility relocations, electrical works and pipe laying

Events Manger for Coates Hire Newcastle 500, Kurt Sakzewski said the main bodies of the work will be completed by the end of August.

Traffic control and detour signage will be in place, ensuring the safety of residents, the public and workers.

Road closures across the east end of Newcastle.

Source: Jarrod Melmeth

Signage, traffic control and detours will ensure safety of residents.

Source: Jarrod Melmeth