SafeWork NSW is raising concerns about worker safety in the tree work industry, following a serious incident at Windale last month.

A 25-year-old man fell 6 metres while lopping a tree at Windale and suffered suspected spinal injuries. It’s not the only worrying incident with three other workers also involved in similar incidents throughout April, suffering head injuries and lacerations.

“Unfortunately, three workers were fatally injured last financial year and there’s a lot of ongoing incidents including serious head, spinal and severe lacerations. So we really need to work closely with industry so we eliminate these issues,” said Lawrence Richy from SafeWork NSW.

The Tree Work project will see SafeWork NSW work with tree industry businesses across NSW over the next six months to ensure they’re meeting work health and safety, and workers compensation responsibilities.

Lawrence Richy said SafeWork “would like workers to ensure that they’re working closely with their employers if they’re in the tree work industry and utilising all the safe working systems of work and consulting with their employers,” and importantly if there are any concerns no one should hesitate and ring up SafeWork on 13 10 50.
“We will be able to get an inspector out to walk through the proper processes and make sure everyone returns home safely after their days work.”
