Wallsend MP Sonia Hornery is calling on the state government to step in and make sure Novocastrians don’t pay through the roof to keep warm this Winter.

An increase in wholesale electricity price of 50 per cent is said to be to blame for Hunter residents reportedly going to be paying up to $400 a year more for power from July

Last year, electricity and gas prices rose after the daily supply charges increased by up to 19.5%, and there are concerns this next pay increase will be too much for consumers to handle.

Sonia Hornery is particularly concerned about consumers in her electorate where there are a number of low income earners and pensioners.

“The increase is going to be an issue all across NSW, but in particular Wallsend because we have many low income earners in the area and many pensioners and people who are on the pension are on an absolutely limited income and are watching every dollar and cent that they spend.”

The cuts to pensions and benefits are already making life a struggle, and this latest price rise could mean people affected will have to make the choice about keeping warm or not this winter.

“Some people will not be able to afford to turn on their heater this winter as a result of this increase – it is too much for some to cope with,” said Sonia Hornery.