The State Government has come under fire after accusation’s they’ve got something to hide, after refusing to release documents about the cost of the light rail project in Newcastle.
Calls to see the documents by several Hunter MP’s were shot down, with the government citing it would breach cabinet confidentiality, or saying it was commercially sensitive.
However, the government responded by stating that releasing such information would put upward pressure on the project’s budget and would disclose sensitive information.
Newcastle MP Tim Crakanthorp says the response isn’t good enough.
“The Governments obviously trying to hide something,” he said.
The matter has been under close scrutiny as the Sydney light rail project experienced a cost blowout of almost $550 million dollars, and many are worried the Governments unwillingness to reveal the information is a sign that it is over budget.
Mr Crakanthrop continued his argument, saying the Government has let everyone down.
“Newcastle’s being kept in the dark, it’s not good enough”.