It’s been announced Charlestown’s House with No Steps facility will receive $43, 300 in funding from the state government.


Youth Opportunities

grant aims to remove barriers which prevent young people with disabilities from fully participating in the community.

Parliamentary Secretary for the Hunter, Scot MacDonald says the money will be used to provide invaluable training.

“What [House with No Steps] is going to do is work with a couple of football clubs in the area, and the youth will be getting skills such as their RSA, Working with the Public, First Aid- those sorts of things,” Mr MacDonald said.

“It’s the first step to getting full-time employment.”

Scot MacDonald says over $9 million has been invested in 177 youth projects across NSW since 2012.

Executive Director of Support Services at House with No Steps, Rob Watkins said it’s the first year the organisation has received this funding, and they’re very grateful for it.

“We exist to help people with disabilities live a great life,” Mr Watkins said, “This project is all about ensuring people with a disability gain the skills and experience they need to get them job-ready.”