Hunter residents are turning to the Energy and Water Ombudsman for help as they struggle to cope with rising energy prices.
The latest report from the Ombudsman shows complaints from the Hunter region have risen by 10 per cent over all in the past year, higher than any other region in NSW.
Complaints from the Hunter region rose significantly in the second half of 2016/2017 compared to the same time last year. The Ombudsman received 30% more complaints from the Hunter in the third quarter of 2016/2017 compared to the same period in 2015, while in the fourth quarter, there’s been a 50 per cent increase.
NSW Energy and Water Ombudsman, Janine Young says billing, customer service and credit were the top three issues raised by consumers, and she’s particularly concerned about energy affordability following the 1 July 2017 price increases.
“Affordability issues, payment difficulties, high bills, increasing debt and disconnection of supply have become the norm for consumers experiencing financial vulnerability. The array of energy offers makes it difficult for customers to find the best deal. Customers on low or fixed incomes in particular, continue to tell us they were not able to take advantage of discounted offers because of compulsory pay-on-time or direct debit conditions. It is promising to see that retailers are now starting to address this,” she said.
NSW Energy and Water Ombudsman Janine Young |