Hunter Water’s Love Water campaign is reporting promising signs for water conservation efforts in the area.
The initiative is not only aimed at customers but also encourages accountability within the organisation, which has seen a 20 per cent reduction in water network leakage this year.
Since the start of the initiative, customers have been using approximately 4% less water, a saving of around 7000 households worth of average yearly water usage.
Today marks one year since the initiative began and results report a water saving which would enable two years of residential growth without the need for additional supply capacity.
Renee Fedder from Hunter Water says that these results have been encouraging, but it is important that they remain consistent.
“One of the things that we’re encouraging everyone to do is to continue to be water-wise all year round, not just in response to conditions or circumstances. It’s really about valuing water all the time,” she said.
More information on how to conserve water in your home at