The extension of Munibung Road has been a long time coming and now the missing link is finally a reality.

Lake Macquarie City Council is welcoming $2.2 million from the Federal Government to extend Munibung Road and connect Boolaroo to Cardiff, cutting around 11 minutes off the current round trip.

Lake Mayor Kay Fraser says new 700 metre extension will provide an important transport link for motorists.

“We’re very excited for the council to receive this from the federal government – we have already set aside the other half of the money that’s needed so what we will be able to do now is connect Munnibung Road which will run into Cardiff and connect to Boolaroo.”

Earlier this year council set aside $2.9 million towards the extension.

“We’ve already started the planning of the new road, I’m hopeful that we will continue with that planning and we’ll start very soon. It’s very exciting that we can finally deliver this important infrastructure to Lake Macquarie and to the residents in the area,” said Kay Fraser.