Summerhill Waste Management Facility has today unveiled the Newcastle Community Recycling Centre.
Nearly 100 similar centres are being rolled out across NSW as part of the state government’s half-billion-dollar Waste Less, Recycle More campaign.
Materials previously bound for the tip can now be recycled, with the following household problem waste accepted:
  • Paint
  • Motor oils and cooking oils
  • Gas bottles
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Car and household batteries
  • Smoke detectors; and
  • Fluorescent light globes and tubes
Business Development Manager at Summer Hill, Mark Johnson said many of the materials can be re-purposed for future use.
“With the motor oils and other oils that we get,” Mr Johnson said, “the contaminants are taken out of those and then the base materials are refined back into a lubricant.”
Mark Johnson encouraged residents to check their homes to see how they can best make use of the new facility.
“…By checking what you’ve got in your cupboards, have a quick look, see all of the stuff that you’re not using and put it in a box, make sure it’s sealed and bring it along, then we can take care of it for you,” he said.
The Summerhill Waste Management facility will be closed on Good Friday.

Mark Johnson, Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes and Taylor Martin MLC welcome the new facility.