Work is well under way on the much anticipated $13.5 million cruise ship terminal at Carrington.

New mooring bollards are being installed which will allow for much larger cruise ships to berth at the facility than is currently possible.

Cruise liners carrying up to 3,900 passengers will start arriving in early 2019, with Royal Carribean vessel, Explorer Of  The Seas booked to make two visits in February 2019.

The Explorer Of The Seas

The current mooring facility can accommodate ships carrying 2,900 passengers.

The state and federal governments have contributed $800,000 towards construction of the new bollards.

One Of The New Mooring Bollards At Carrington.

NSW Planning Minister, Anthony Roberts says the terminal will be an important piece of tourism infrastructure for the region.

“The potential here to bring in an additional cruise ships up to almost 4,000 people which on average inject about a million dollars into the local economy, (this) is critical not just for Newcastle but for the region,” he said.

Port of Newcastle CEO, Jeff Crowe says they hope to release concept designs for the new terminal later this year with construction to start in early 2018 and finishing by the end of next year.

“There is potential for bigger ships, but certainly the Explorer of the Seas will be the biggest vessel we’ve had to date,” he said.

Newcastle Port CEO, Jeff Crowe, NSW Planning Minister Anthony Roberts and Senator Arthur Sinodinos Inspect Work on the new mooring bollards at the Carrington Cruise Terminal Site