The NSW Government’s investment of $175,000 towards safe spaces within Newcastle’s CBD will greatly improve the safety of patrons within Newcastle and create a safer and more vibrant nightlife experience.
Hamilton is one of seven precincts to receive this investment from the State Government as anti-social and criminal behaviour have greatly affected the suburb of Hamilton.
The other precincts include East End, Darby Street, The Junction, West End and Honeysuckle that will all receive a safe space to help prevent anti-social behaviour.
Hamilton Chamber of Commerce President, Nathan Errington, says the investment “is going to improve the nightlife and it’s going to make people feel safer in Hamilton.”
Hamilton will receive one safe space that will be situated at the train station end of Hamilton in order to prevent anti-social behaviour that has increased in that part of Hamilton.
“Its 25,000 (how much Hamilton will receive) and its one space in Hamilton and that will be the train station park,” Errington said.
This grant comes after popular Hamilton pub, The Sydney Junction Hotel, which is situated at the train station end of Hamilton, was placed on  Liquor and Gaming NSW’s violent venues list after a number of alcohol-related incidents occurred at the establishment.
“The focus is on the train station end of Hamilton where there has been a lot of anti-social behaviour and to upgrade the park so that it defers that anti-social behaviour that has been identified by the police,” Errington said.
The safe spaces will be developed across the city and will include better lighting, landscaping, seating and signage to improve the appearance of the areas whilst reducing opportunities for vandalism and criminal and anti-social behaviour.
The safe spaces will act as a far safer refuge for patrons around the area and therefore create a far greater nightlife experience for people going out into town

Sydney Junction Hotel, Trip Advisor