Recent research conducted by the Salvation Army shows the most vulnerable in the Hunter and across Australian communities are reaching out to the Salvation Army for support more than ever before. 

As part of its annual Red Shield Appeal, research by the Salvation Army was the result of a national survey of its clients who had reached out for assistance from the organisation. 

The devastating effects of COVID-19 on Australians has left many in our communities struggling to pay for basic necessities, such as housing, food and medication. With eighty-six per cent of Australians surveyed reporting they were paying more than fifty per cent of their income on housing.

Salvation Army’s Financial Councilor Kristen Hartnett said, “some people are left with as little as four dollars a day after paying for housing.” 

On a local scale, the Salvation Army offers many different services and resources available for residents across the Hunter. The Oasis Hunter Youth Network and Moneycare Newcastle offer Hunter residents with services such as financial counselling and anger management. 

“The Salvation Army has been around for many years, and will continue to be around. We encourage Australian’s to join in and be apart of this where nobody is left behind,” said Kristen Hartnett.