The Hunter’s roads could soon receive a welcome boost with applications opening shortly for the third round of the NSW Government’s Community Road Safety Grants program.

Applications for this latest round of grants open on the 13th of June with community groups invited to submit their road safety projects by July 23.

Local organisations can apply for minor project funding up to $5,000 or more substantial projects of up to $30,000 with a total of $1.6 million available.

Parliamentary Secretary for the Hunter Scot MacDonald is urging anyone who is interested to apply because who knows the roads better than those who use them on a daily basis.

“If you’re on there everyday going to work and to school going to the shops, whatever you’re doing, you’re the person that sees where the shortfalls are and where we could do with a little bit of extra funding around that road.”

“We’re a pretty extensive road network so we’re all busy catching up in that respect – there’s a lot more traffic on the road, RMS are doing a good job of planning for the future but of course there’s little projects that the community can identify and that’s really what I’m looking for the community to think about,” said Scot MacDonald.