The festive season is a time for indulgence and spending time with friends and family. But tragically, incidences of domestic violence skyrocket at this time of year. And when women are forced to flee dangerous situations, important things are all-too-often left behind.

Maitland MP Jenny Aitchison is calling on the community to support Share The Dignity’s holiday campaign #It’sInTheBag. Women are encouraged to donate old (or new) handbags in reasonable condition, along with toiletries, to the charity.

Share The Dignity will then distribute the bags to local charities who help women in need. Ms Aitchison says when women are fleeing domestic violence or dangerous home situations, small but important things like shampoo or tissues are often forgotten.

“Coming up to Christmas it’s usually a peak in numbers of domestic violence incidents. Often [the women] will just leave with perhaps their wallet and their keys and that’s about it.”

She says during this stressful time, mothers trying to look after their children and hold down their job can’t afford to focus on the small items needed to stay comfortable and clean. This year, It’s In The Bag needs shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, deodorant, and sanitary items.

“This is just a small part everyone in the community can play in trying to help these women feel that they are cared for.”

She says the items don’t need to be expensive or fancy, and everything helps in making women feel ” clean and comfortable and safe” and to help keep their dignity.

Drop-off locations for donations include Ms Aitchison’s office 34 Church Street Maitland, or any Bunnings Warehouse. The full list and more information is available at the

Share The Dignity

website. The campaign is running until December 2nd.