Hunter News 12 May 2021
BY CHARLOTTE LLOYDCockle Creek is seeing major developments taking place with the draft area plan currently on public exhibition. The area...
Hunter News 19 April 2021
In the heart of Hamilton, work is now underway to transform the James Street Plaza on Beaumont Street, set for completion mid-2021.
Hunter News 12 March 2021
The birth of 13 Eastern quoll joeys in the Barrington Tops - the first born in the region in 60 years - has given wildlife restoration efforts new hope in bringing the endangered species back from the brink.
Hunter News 26 February 2021
Revenue from unmarked mobile speed cameras has skyrocketed over the past six months, with fines flying into the pockets of Hunter motorists.
Hunter News 4 February 2021
Submissions made to the Parliamentary Inquiry in Rural and Regional Healthcare have revealed medical services in the Hunter and other regional areas could be teetering right on the edge of a serious crisis.
Hunter News 12 November 2019
BY LAUREN FREEMANTLE The University of Newcastle has confirmed it will reopen its Callaghan and Ourimbah campuses tomorrow following today’s...
Hunter News 15 January 2019
BY CATHERINE ALLEN Port Stephens MP Kate Washington was joined by local nurses and health worker this morning to launch...