Temporary work visas, or 457 visas, will be a thing of the past with Prime Minister Malcom Turnbull announcing the visa would be replaced by two new visas.

Foreign workers take up a lot of work in regional areas like the Hunter, particularly in the health sector, and there are fears the new scheme will either create more jobs, or leave jobs without anyone to fill them.

It’s likely 200 fewer industries will be able to access overseas staff and there will be stricter conditions placed on those who do come to Australia to work under two new visas.

Member for the Hunter Joel FitzGibbon says the system was being wroughted,
but he questions whether the new reforms will actually prove to make a

“Jobs were going to foreigners which could have been filled by local
people – now Malcom Turnbull has been sitting on his hands and knees for years, and whether he has now successfully really
moved to fix it is a question we still don’t know the answer to,” said
Joel FitzGibbon.

The Prime Minister says the reforms will focus on “Australian jobs and Australian values” giving Aussies the chance to get more work.


Current visa holders won’t be affected by the changes.

“Well is this is genuine change, I welcome it. But Malcom Turnbull has
given us none of the details about his new visa scheme, there is no
doubt 457’s were being wroughted costing Australians jobs,” said Joel FitzGibbon.