Sunday 10th September is World Suicide Prevention Day which aims to encourage people to take notice on what’s happening with family, friends, colleagues, and most importantly, yourself.

Lifeline Hunter Central Coast this morning organised its annual suicide prevention walk which went from Dixon Park to Merewether Baths and back.

The walk included over 500 people as it aims to help raise awareness, remember those lost to suicide and brings the community together to help tackle suicide.

Breakfast was held after the walk with food trucks, coffee vans, information stalls as well as a free yoga session.

Regional Manager from Lifeline Hunter Central Coast Robert Sands says the turn out for the walk exceeded expectations.

“The key thing is to talk amongst each other and be comfortable in asking how we’re doing and sharing our stories with each other.

“The walk was fabulous, it exceeded our expectations, 550 local people turned up in support of each other and in support of those who has lost someone by suicide, so it was wonderful”.

On average, in rural and remote areas are more likely to die by suicide than in major areas, thus this day encouraging others to look out for family, friends, colleagues and most importantly, yourself.

Robert Sands also states suicide is a hard thing to live with, but support is available and isn’t too far away.

“The stats continue to unfortunately increase. We know that 8 people a day die by suicide in Australia and of course there are many more that are affected by suicide, and what we learnt in our walk this morning is those who are affected, its a tough challenge to live with so its great that we can be supporting them together with the community.

“13 11 14 is the lifeline telephone crisis support number and is available 24 hours, 7 days a week. And for those who prefer to talk to somebody in person, we offer lifeline face to face counselling service here at Islington at our office”.

Image from Lifeline Hunter Central Coast annual suicide prevention walk.

Credit- Lifeline Hunter Central Coast Facebook Page.