Hunter News 26 August 2021
Police say he picked up a bag of bottles and began swinging it at staff and customers before finally leaving.
Hunter News 25 August 2021
A recent murder along with a rise in violent incidents, drug dealing, public urination and petty theft has residents of Young Street living in fear.
Hunter News 24 August 2021
The strike has the potential to disrupt deliveries of parcels, groceries and petrol.
Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes says its is a generational investment into the iconic ocean baths.
Hunter News 20 August 2021
An outdoor mask mandate is being introduced, including for Regional NSW from Monday 23 August requiring masks to be worn outdoors except when exercising.
Hunter News 19 August 2021
As the statewide COVID-19 numbers continue to rise with 681 recorded on Thursday, the Hunter has recorded just five.
Hunter News 18 August 2021
The key features of the draft masterplan include an inclusive playground, multi-sports hub and outdoor community events space.
Hunter News 17 August 2021
Police will alleged the 22-year-old man who has since tested positive to COVID-19, hosted a number of gatherings at the home on Sandgate Road on three separate nights from 28 - 30 July.
Hunter News 13 August 2021
Police say a 21 and 20-year-old will face court next month for failing to comply with multiple directives from police to return to Sydney.
The was in his 90's was fully vaccinated and in palliative care at the Masonic Village aged care facility at Edgeworth.